Pine pollen up close

The Truth About Cracked Cell Wall Pine Pollen

In the pursuit of pine pollen, the term "cracked cell wall" often dominates discussions, yet its true significance remains veiled. Unbeknownst to many, virtually every pine pollen product in the global market falls under the banner of "cracked cell wall." Allow us to demystify this prevalent practice and its implications for your health.

Exploring the online landscape reveals a multitude of vendors, often flaunting phrases like 'wild-harvested' and 'raw,' all leading back to China and the dominance of two primary pine species: 'Pinus tabuliformis' and ‘Pinus massonia.’ This dominance results in the prevalent sale of Masson Pine Pollen in Asia.

While many opt for 'wild-harvesting' of Masson pine pollen in China, the underlying concern persists: the cell wall's integrity.

Dispelling the Myths Surrounding Cracked Cell Wall Pine Pollen

Advocates often argue for cracked cell wall pine pollen, asserting increased nutrient bioavailability. However, this practice runs contrary to nature's intent. The outer layer of pine pollen serves as a crucial shield against oxidation and light, fundamental for its role as a potent superfood.

If you take our raw un-cracked pollen and compare it to any cracked cell pine pollen there are noticeable disparities between them. The latter succumbs to oxidation, acquiring a darker hue and bitter taste while losing essential nutrients. In contrast, whole-cell Pine pollen maintains its vibrant golden color and authentic pine taste.

Why crack the cell wall?

Claims of higher digestion rates with cracked cell wall pine pollen often lack scientific evidence and often stems from justifying the handling advantages that cracking the cell offers. In its unaltered form, the pine pollen shell has air pockets that are designed to "fly". One of the challenges of processing pine pollen is keeping it from doing what its designed to do: Float away. When breaking the cells up, they are much less volatile and easier to work with specially on an industrial scale.


Pine pollen grain up close

 The fact is no good study has been able to demonstrate the human absorption rate discrepancy between the two. Moreover, this study demonstrates that hydrochloric acid (Stomach acid) is well able to disintegrate the cell walls so there is no real reason to believe that pre-cracking the cell for our body is necessary. 

The best of both worlds: A great compromise

A popular way to consume pine pollen is to let it soak in "sugar water" (honey and warm water) overnight. This effectively "Cracks" the cell walls. If this is done immediately before consumption the pollen doesn't have time to be exposed to oxidation and could therefore be more bio-available.

As the advantages of natural products heavily depend on their handling, we opt for small-batch processing and manage everything internally to safeguard the product's integrity. Our commitment stems from the understanding that natural remedies offer the most enduring and well-rounded results.

In conclusion

As the advantages of natural products heavily depend on their handling, we opt for small-batch processing and manage everything internally to safeguard the product's integrity. Our commitment stems from the understanding that natural remedies offer the most enduring and well-rounded results.

Your Journey, Your Choice

Your exploration is pivotal. Experience the difference firsthand by trying our pine pollen against other vendors. Utilize code "RAW15" for a 15% discount, elevating your wellness journey.

At Boreome, your well-being takes precedence in our commitment to providing nature's finest.

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